
Wednesday, June 27, 2007



Often listening to things bands give me or I trade Sword Heaven merch
for, most of which falls in the noise/ experimental world, and is
pretty far gone stuff or things my wife puts on the turntable which
could be anything from Lite Rock to Prog to Dance to Classic Rock, all
of which I recognize but often don't know who it is. I like the stuff
with "dark sax" sounds the most.

I've recently bought:

Mouthus: The Long Salt (Important Records) and Air Conditioning: Dead
Rails (Load Records):

Kind of similar brown out sludge sounds from two heavy bands.
Riffless, no chord rock, and feedback. Pretty monolithic stuff,

I've bought a bunch of other stuff too, I impulse buy quite a bit. A
bunch of 7"s like the most recent batch from Columbus Discount
of local bands (El Jesus, Necropolis, Night of Pleasure,
plus I got a Psychedelic Horseshit record and a cassette tape sampler
thrown in for free). I find myself listening to my own sounds a lot
recently as I've been putting out stuff on my own label, Little
Miracles more often recently. I just did a Sword Heaven cassette co
release with a Belgian label called Sick Bliss that is a split with
some other Ohio noise guys named Jason Zeh and David Reed. Jen (my
wife) and I have two bands Face Place and Face Plant, and I'm also in
another band called Bath House. Not to mention, my main band, Sword
Heaven just put out a record on Load Records out of Providence. Also,
been listening a lot to things my High School buddies have done over
the years and just assembled a 100 song boxset of that stuff, so I
find myself listening to things I've been part of a lot since it
usually falls on me to record it, mix it, sequence, edit, duplicate,
distribute, etc

Movies: Things have been so busy recently (got married, toured with
Skinny Puppy, Sword Heaven album just got released, working on art,
just plain working full time) I haven't been watching movies a lot.

Realized recently though that if I had to make a list, the three films
that have really stood out for me have all been long, violent, macho
70's films made by filmmakers in countries that they aren't native to
in pretty rough terrain.

Aguirre: The Wrath of God (Werner Herzog, stars Klaus Kinski)

Bring me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (Sam Peckinpah, stars Warren Oates)

Zabriskie Point (Micheal (Michel?) Antonioni stars Death Valley, the
National Park)

So you have a German filmmaker in a South America Jungle, an American
filmmaker in Mexico's towns and cities, and an Italian filmmaker in an
American desert.

Been watching youtube stuff sometimes. Awesome weird stuff like people
who play that game World of Warcraft and make videos of them and their
friends attacking bosses in the game, people demonstrating that they
can play Slayer's Angel of Death at home on their guitars (but you can
never see their faces just their guitar and hands), like cool Indian
dudes playing amazing music, old Darkthrone footage, my friends, etc

Also, trying to find stuff that I read about. As far as art, always
thinking about perfromance/ event/ situation art and its
documentation. I think The Box here at the Wexner center should be
celebrated as a local treasure. They've had so many cool videos over
the last year. I also like doing google image searches for old
engravings of executions and demons and stuff. Or weird rock

Been pretty into Carillons which are these huge Bell Towers (the
closest good one to Columbus is in Dayton and is more then a hundred
feet tall) that have a ton of bells and are played by a little person
inside. Been wanting to make and view some videos of recitals, and
haven't really found any.

Inspired a ton by this website:

and have a subscription to this magazine:

I also like this music mag a ton:

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